Dear Parents

Welcome back to the new school year. We hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer break and is looking forward to an exciting upcoming term.

We have had a busy summer with lots happening around the school.

Joanna’s Preschool will open on Monday 5th of September. We are delighted to welcome Joanna to the school community and wish her every success. If you would like to contact Joanna in relation to Preschool, Breakfast Club and Afterschool services you can contact her on 0868987879. I would like to thank everyone who bought or sold a ticket for
‘The Big Draw’.

I am delighted to announce that we have reached our target. There will be small fundraising events in the future to cover running costs which we hope you can support.



We have 12 very excited Junior Infants starting with us this year. We wish Jessica, Sophia, Emily, Ava, Fionn, Finian, Tom, Darragh, Oisin, Martin, Henry and Tony the very best as they start their education Journey in Bonniconlon NS. They have had a great few days with Ms. Lowther and look forward to many more.