‘Active HOME Week’ Challenge

As you know ‘Active SCHOOL Week’ takes place every April and is a really enjoyable part of the school year for many children. This year, because of Covid-19 it is not possible for this to go ahead so we are asking you, the families of our school to participate in the ‘Active HOME Week’ challenge instead.

To complete the challenge children have to find four different ways of being active every day making sure that this add up to 60 MINUTES, or more. Children are encouraged to try something NEW, have FUN with a family activity and to ENJOY the week!

You will find information below and also the challenge worksheet. There is a PDF version below picture of worksheet which you can type in details and return to school via email.

Best of luck and enjoy

What is the Active School Flag

The ASF is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often. The ASF is a whole school process that promotes physical activity in a fun and inclusive way for all members of the school community. ASF schools enable children to see that there are many ways to be active throughout the school day and within their local area. In particular, ASF schools try to find ways to encourage less active children to enjoy physical activity more.

ASF schools ensure that all classes are timetabled for 60 minutes of PE every week.

ASF schools promote physical activity throughout the day.

ASF schools work in partnership with others to promote a physically active school community.

ASF schools organise an Active School Week (ASW) as part of their annual school calendar.

The ASF is a Department of Education and S kills initiative supported by Healthy Ireland.